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Redhead by the Side of the Road [Large Print] (002091606) Check Availability

Redhead by the Side of the Road

Author: Anne Tyler

Genre: Fiction

Age Group: Adult

Kit Contents: 7 large print books and suggested discussion questions

Page Count: 245

Publication Date: 2020

DescriptionMicah Mortimer is a creature of habit. A self-employed tech expert, superintendent of his Baltimore apartment building, cautious to a fault behind the steering wheel, he seems content leading a steady, circumscribed life. But one day his routines are blown apart when his woman friend (he refuses to call anyone in her late thirties a "girlfriend") tells him she's facing eviction, and a teenager shows up at Micah's door claiming to be his son. These surprises, and the ways they throw Micah's meticulously organized life off-kilter, risk changing him forever.

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